Scooter Street’s Official E-Scooter Charging Guide
Published August 16, 2022

Charging an electric scooter (or anything) seems like an easy task, but understandably for some it’s not. There are certain tips and techniques that will provide the most efficient charging time as well as the safest. Here is Scooter Street’s Official E-Scooter Charging Guide.
It isn’t surprising you want to charge your expensive purchase in the most proficient way. It’s an investment that you want to keep in perfect condition for as long as you can!
Before We Begin
Before you begin using an electrical points or mains for absolutely anything, you must ensure the safety precautions are in place. An electric scooter, for example, will be charging far longer than an iPhone simply because it has a bigger battery and motor to charge. Checking all plug points are away from any liquids, or potential fire hazards is important.
On top of liquids and other potential hazards around the plug point, checking the actual mains are safe (they have no wires sticking out, no chance for a trip hazard etc…) is important to do every few times you charge your e-scooter. This will not only assist with keeping safe, but also prevents any damage happening to the charging lead (if anything was to go drastically wrong).
Top Tips
There are some tips that us here at Scooter Street have devised together to give the best charging experience for you.
- Try to not wait it out too long before charging after you see the battery level decreasing (try to not let it go any lower than 30%).
- Wait at least 15 minutes after you’ve ridden your scooter before charging it again. The battery will be heated and adding more heat and electricity to it could cause safety issues.
- Even when you’re not using your scooter, try to keep it fully charged every 2/3 months.
The First Step
The first step you should do to protect the charger (and yourself in serious situations) is plugging the charger into the wall before plugging the other end into the scooter. Chargers get hot, and the safest bet is to start off with it plugged in. Then, once each end is where it needs to be, switch the plug on.
Once this is done ensure that the electric scooter is turned off and then you can move onto the next step.
The next part is waiting for your scooter to charge. Depending on which model and brand of scooter you have, check if your scooter is in the top charging percentage. This is normally between 80% and 100% and usually shown by a green light.
Once the scooter is charged, you should unplug it. Don’t leave it charging past 100% for too long as it could cause corrosion of the cathode.
You’re Done
That’s it! It’s very easy to literally charge a scooter, however knowing the tips to prolong the life of the scooter isn’t as easy.
We hope Scooter Street’s Official E-Scooter Charging Guide helped you when it comes to thinking about charging your electric scooter! You can view our range of chargers here.

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