Zombie PlagueZombie Plague

Zombie Plague

RRP: £159.99


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SKU: TMV-Z3201005
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The 18″ wheel Zombie Plague BMX is a superb first junior BMX and comes equipped with everything you need to learn the tricks that will make the whole skate park jealous of your moves! It comes complete with tough spoked alloy wheels for lightweight performance and a set of stunt pegs that can be mounted in any one of three configurations.

So what are you waiting for? Get out riding and show everyone how cool you are on this amazing bike!

Can I return my order and how long do I have to do so?

You may be eligible to return your order within 14 days of receiving your order without giving a reason and get a full refund. Please refer to our Terms & Conditions for any further information.

You have 60 days from contacting us that you would like to cancel your order to return the goods, along with your order number. All items must remain in the same condition in which they were received. If no contact is made within 14 days of receipt of your order, we will consider this item as accepted by you, the customer.

Can I return my order past 14 days?

If the item is damaged or faulty you may be eligible for either a full refund or a replacement as long as you contact us within 30 days of receiving your order. Scooter Street will verify the fault before approving a refundable return and reserves the right to reject returns should no fault be identified.

How can I return my order?

In order to return your order you must let us know before doing so. You can do this through our Contact Us Form available here.

You will then have 60 days to return your order to us.

To meet the refund deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your cancellation request using the online form before the 14-day cancellation period has expired.

When will you issue the refund?

We will process your refund within 14 days once we have received your returned item(s).

How will you refund me?

The refund will be issued using the same payment method you used when you placed your order unless we are told otherwise. You will not incur any fees as a result of the refund.