Best Bike Lock For Electric Scooters

Published April 28, 2022

Best Bike Lock For Electric Scooters

Here’s everything you need to know about buying the best bike lock for your e-scooter. You can also check out our full range here when you’re done reading!

Although there are many types of locks that you can use for an electric scooter, including built-in electronic alarms, the only lock type that we recommend are high-security U-locks.

Because most electric scooters weigh under 23 kg and can easily fit in a car or be rolled away, it’s essential to lock up your scooter whenever leaving it unattended.

Purchase a high-quality U-lock that is appropriately sized for your scooter.

U-locks are named from their shape and consist of a U-shaped shackle that locks into a straight crossbar. U-locks vary wildly in terms of security. Some U-locks can be easily cut with bolt cutters in seconds, while others can resist power tools.

Quality U-locks are made from hardened steel and will be heavy — normally around 2 kgs. They have a thick shackle and crossbar and will cost around £70.

U-locks come in a range of sizes. Some have longer shackles to make them easier to lock your scooter to harder-to-reach objects. Nevertheless, you’ll want to purchase the shortest shackle that will fit your scooter as those are more secure.

Best Location To Lock Your Scooter?

The best location on most electric scooters for locking is around the folding mechanism or the stem. Some scooters have carrying handles or are built with slots specifically made for locking.

Lock your scooter to a permanent fixture or structure that’s cemented into the ground or that can’t be carried easily. The fixture should not be something that a thief could lift your scooter over or dismantle, like unscrewing a sign from a short post to snatch it.

Aluminium or steel posts, bike racks, stair railings, and tall signposts are the safest. Don’t choose metal fences, as they’re often thin enough to be cut.

Lock your scooter in a public location that’s well-lit and easy to see, like a bike rack adjacent to an entrance. Especially in shopping centres and busy areas, it’s not as likely that a thief will want to run the risk of being caught on a security camera while trying to steal your scooter.

Avoid locking your scooter in places that you can’t easily see, like in a dark alleyway or between cars in a parking lot where a thief could take their time and compromise the lock.

Ensure that your scooter is protected from the elements wherever you lock up, as lots of exposure to water or direct sunlight isn’t the best. In general, you really shouldn’t store your scooter outdoors for an extended period, as it’s just more likely to get damaged or stolen.

Lastly, be courteous and choose a location that’s out of the way of pedestrians and bike paths. If using a bike rack or other shared space, lock your scooter so that others can use the rack, too.

Check out our full range of locks here.

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